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iq children

tips to increase iq child


Intelligence Quotient (IQ) in children  can be improved since the child still in the womb and early in time grows child. 


Introduce music since the womb

Pregnant women who love and enjoy the music during pregnancy can be carried until the baby is born, the baby will feel comfortable and enjoy the music that had favored the mother. Even when the baby is crying and heard her favorite song, silent moment baby can sometimes even cry anymore. It depends cause of the crying. If the baby is crying because of boredom, then when favorite songs heard mother during pregnancy the baby can even old silent as to enjoy it. However, with only the mother to really enjoy and appreciate the song.

Consumption of nutritious foods during pregnancy

It is recommended to consume foods that contain choline supplementation during pregnancy to stimulate  brain development of the fetus Drinking milk pregnant and always consume nutritious foods. Perbanyak consumption of food  sea food , especially fish, trustworthy very good for the development of IQ .

Give ASI

Besides capable of boosting the immune system in infants, breastfeeding is also able to  increase the IQ of children Physical and emotional aspects of the mother while breastfeeding can create permanent changes in the  brain development of children 
Studies show breastfeeding activities increase verbal interaction between mother and child, to help their development. 
said parents, Perbanyak eat vegetables to increase breast milk, especially the leaves and leaf katu yam potato.

Invite children to talk with clear language

Do not encourage your child to talk with the child's language, because it will affect  your child's brain development . For example, ask the child a bath, let's just say very clearly, "Let sister shower" not "let ndandi brother". Invited to speak to simulate baby language or  "baby talk"  is not recommended.

Music will recite the First 3 Years

First three years of a child's level of  brain development .  
Studies show that children who study music and pursue music lessons showed significant IQ. Therefore do not waste your 3 first year Toddlers to continue listening to music, especially classical music.

Perkenalkanlah Chess Game

The game of chess is a strategy game played using a brain to analyze a problem and then solve the problem. Familiarity analyzing a child can enhance imagination, until the child is able to solve any problem at hand.

Give Pets

The stronger the attachment and little attention to the pet animals, it will be increasingly honed cognitive ability and can help  increase the value of IQ .Make sure the child is not infected pets disease

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