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This How To Expel Ants Powerful and Effective

How to repel ants are natural, powerful, and effective. The problems that often interfere with the comfort of a home in addition to the problem of mice and cockroach problem turns ants also sometimes be one of the problems. Ant if only one or two still does not matter. But when their number the more it will begin to interfere with the comfort. Especially if they start to perform its expansion attack the food and sugar. It will interfere and make us even more irritated. Usually this type of red ants like to attack the food in the form of side dishes, fish, and other foods. While this type of black ants meyerang sweet as sugar, sugary drinks open the lid, and other sweet foods. So when these problems strike typically someone will start thinking how to repel ants ?. How to repel ants Ant colonies - Then terbesit to buy anti ants that have been sold in the market. Usually the drug is likely to successfully cope with ants. But it would be a problem if we have a small child who likes picking at random. How to Expel Ants Naturally What would happen if they hold ants drugs that have been sown and then put it into their mouths. In drug used repel ants was made of chemicals that could be dangerous if it enters the body. Other attractions: How to Evict Rats How to Expel Cockroach If it is so the next choice fell on a natural way repel ants. The way it certainly does not use hazardous materials but natural ingredients which is not favored by the ants. The following materials can dugunakan. Banish Ants with Daun Sirih Betel leaves are often found as a fringe (which chewed) by parents of old. Usually it is used so that the teeth durable. It turns out that the leaves of the plant is also able mengtasi ant problem at home. You only need to use a few leaves are crushed to emit aroma. The aroma is so hated by the ants so they will stay away from the area contained a squeeze of betel leaf.   Overcoming Ants with coffee powder If we humans generally liked the coffee is not the case with ants. The ants are very unhappy with the name of coffee especially in the form of powder. How to repel ants use coffee grounds is quite easy. Only with the coffee powder sprinkled on the area that we want to not be touched ant then they will go away. Besides it can also sprinkle ant nest so they run away forever. Expel Ants with Cucumber There are interesting facts that you should know about the ants. Generally colonizing insects is very unhappy with the name of cucumber. Then put the piece of cucumber in ant nests will make them go away. It could also be placed in the path of ants passing mentumun blended. Exterminate ants use salt How to repel ants hereinafter that makes use of one material, namely kitchen salt. Salty taste of salt are very disturbing ants so they will avoid it. How to use salt to repel ants can be mixed with warm water and sprayed onto the anthill or the area you want to be shunned ants. How to Expel Ants With Material Around
In addition to the above ingredients Alamin there are still some materials around us which can also be utilized to repel ants. Surely these ingredients is safe and effective to eradicate the ants around us. Expel Ants with Soap Yups, how to repel ants the next it's a little unique. We utilize our usual soap for bathing. Quite easy kitya can squirt soap mixed in water in an anthill. It could also rub soap on the area frequently in coming ants. Wax coating on the soap will make the ants dehydrated and they do not like it. Banish Ants With Baking Soda Maybe you already know that each ant colony memeiliki different aroma than other colonies. Now each colony will avoid another colony scent that signifies that their territory. Baking soda will manipulate these scents so that the ants would have thought that the area has been mastered. So that they will avoid it. Expel Ants With Perfume   Ants are very sensitive to that name as aorma perfume aroma. They chose to leave the place that has a pungent smell of perfume. How to use perfume perfume repel it can take advantage of cotton as a storage medium aroma. Spray perfume on a cotton made round so that the aroma is more durable. Put in place that want to distance the ants, good luck.

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