i am round or square and flat i have two or four holes .
i am sold in the shop everyone, in the worid need me very much.
when everyoe need me they buy me and tie me firmly.
when i want to come into a hole , i must go into it slopingly.
strongely enough after oming into a hole i am stik outside the hole...
what am i...?
aku kira kamu asalah sebuah kancing baju.
i have a head but i don't have eyes or ears.
i foam at the mounth but i never bite i roar , but i have no tongue.
i lie in a bed but i have no back i rise , i fall i rush and run, but i have neither legsnor feet i was born in the mountains, but i go down to the ocean whenever i can.
. i cahot keep still for a moment.
i am as restlles as can be ..
kamu sebuah sungai saya kira.you are a river i think.