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Free How To Raising Tilapia Step by Step

Unlike fish in general, tilapia is able to reach adulthood at age 4 to 5 months. They also have started breeding at ages 1 to 2 years. At the age of 1 year old his first fish reach their weight on average had approached 1kg per head. When breeding fish larvae can produce about 1200 to 1500 once spawn (mating). When it does Tilapia males will make a place for the larvae form nests in the bottom of the pool. The male will guard aggressively. The males will make the nest as a regional power. Many people prefer to grow tilapia realize more value including the weight reaches 1kg and such rapid development. Growth of Tilapia It is important that you should know when to cultivate these fish are fish growth is heavily dependent on the effects of temperature and pH in water. The good water temperature ranges between 20-30 celsius with pH levels 7-8. In addition, the growth of tilapia is strongly influenced by the feed. feed will also affect to accelerate the breeding of tilapia. Although tilapia included into the omnivorous fish species that is eating everything, you still have to watch carefully. Natural food when I was the age of the seeds in the form of mosses and plankton. When he was growing then you can give a pellet. If giving artificial feed for tilapia fish farming is sure to contain about 25% protein. This is clearly more efficient than catfish and carp that require high protein content in the feed is in the range of 30% - 45%. Tips for Choosing Seed Tilapia Either way tilapia fish farming or aquaculture whatever seed selection is a crucial factor / critical to the success of cultivation. In tilapia fingerlings you must consider that dibudiayakan, you should select which are male. Because male tilapia fish breeding faster 40% than the female fish. We recommend that you do not mix the seeds of tilapia antrara male and female. Because the fish nilah including the type of fish that is easy to breed. When mixed, they will often lay their eggs and their energy will be exhausted to breed so that will affect the future of fish body weight when harvested. If you want to make a nursery should provide an own nursery.   Creating a pool Tilapia An altitude of at least 30 cm from the surface of the water so that the seed of these fish will not jump or run away from the pool. Ground pools are very easy to make. By using ground pools are many natural food sources that could be fish. You can also choose to make cement brick pond or pool tarp as your pond. All of them have advantages and disadvantages of each course. You can choose the type of pool that is suitable for your environment. For those of you who choose to use ground pool following steps: 1. Create a quarry pond and let it dry with the sun bronzed about 3-7 days. It was only a reference depending on the weather around you. Benchmark drying and drying pond can be terminated when the soil texture pool looks cracked. But not until it hardens like a rock and when stepped still menyisahkan former. 2. The next step is plowing the soil with a hoe or other tool. Soil dug between 10 cm as only. If you find the dirt is plastic, gravel, and more preferably in the wash. 3. If kondidi pool is a pool of used / secondhand drained were commonly high acidity level (aka low pH less than 6). While recommended for tilapia fish farming water pH range between 7-8 on a ground pools. We can neutralize it with dolomite or agricultural lime. Liming dose dikonsisikan with pH conditions. If the soil pH is the range of 6 membutukan lime 500 kg / ha. If the soil pH 5-6 dikisaran pool as much as 500-1500 kg / ha. As for the pool with a soil pH of 4-5 as much as 1-3 tonnes / ha. Sprinkle lime in an evenly around and allow 2 to 3 days. 4. The next step is the application of fertilizers. It aims to provide nutrients to the soil and aquatic and aquatic plants. So that will be a natural feed for tilapia. You can use any type of organic fertilizer to basically like manure or compost. Measuring ranges from 1 to 2 tons per hectare. Spread the fertilizer in the pond and let stand for 1 week. If it is still not able to add urea fertilizer types 50 to 70 kg / ha and TSP 25 to 30 kg / ha then leave 1 to 2 days. 5. How the next tilapia fish farming is to enter the water in the pond. Do it gradually to a height of 10-20 cm are allowed 3 to 5 days. The goal for sunlight to reach the bottom of the pond and allow water ecosystems formed as the growth of aquatic plants and biota. Then continued with menamba

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