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This is the Cause of Cramps And How To Handle It

This is the Cause of Cramps And How To Handle It The causes of cramp legs are not always known, but are generally caused or related to injuries during exercise, pregnancy, dehydration, lack of certain mineral intake, or cold temperature exposure. Muscle cramps, whether occurring in the foot or other areas, are a contraction or tightening of the muscles strongly and suddenly. Cramps can last for several seconds to several minutes and often occur in the legs. Foot cramps at night are often about the calf muscles. This condition often happens when you just fall asleep or just woke up. This is the Cause of Cramps and How to Handle - Alodokter
Here are the various causes and risk factors for cramp legs: Lack of minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium can invite leg cramps. Pressure against the spinal nerves can make your legs feel cramped, which can worsen as you progress. Walking with a slightly bent position forward can usually ease the pain. Inadequate blood supply. Narrowing of arteries that drain blood to your feet can cause pain, such as cramps in the leg while you're exercising. This cramp usually disappears as soon as you stop exercising. Dehydration so the body loses a lot of fluid. Pregnancy. Cramping conditions are common in pregnant women, especially during the last months of pregnancy. This possibility occurs because of lack of calcium and magnesium. Injury or excessive use of muscle. Too long sitting, standing long on a hard surface, or putting feet in an uncomfortable position during sleep can also make your leg muscles tighten or cramp. Exposed to cold temperatures, especially cold water. Usually occurs after a shower with cold water or rain. Side effects of drugs such as the contraceptive pill, antipsychotic drugs, diuretics, statins, and steroids. Infections such as tetanus can also cause muscle spasms and cramps. Liver disease can also invite cramps in the legs. When the liver can not work properly, the toxins in the blood will increase and can create muscle cramps. Other medical conditions such as kidney disease, thyroid disease, multiple sclerosis, or blood flow problems (peripheral artery disease). Here's How To Handle It Here are some ways you can do to deal with cramps. Stop the activity and relax the muscles with a light stretch. Move your feet by walking slowly. It aims to send signals in the body that your muscles need to contract and relax. Massage on the muscles that tighten. Compress with hot water or shower with hot water. However, this method is not recommended for those with diabetes, spinal cord injury, or other conditions that do not allow you to feel the heat. Drinking water or drinks containing enough electrolytes to hydrate the body. This method may take a relatively longer time. However, this can prevent further cramps. Climb your toes with a pillow while sleeping to prevent cramps. Eat foods rich in magnesium such as nuts and seeds when you have frequent leg cramps that are not related to other health conditions. However, for pregnant women are advised to consult with a doctor first if you want to take magnesium supplements. Use painkillers, such as ibuprofen or pain relievers as directed for use. To prevent cramps coming again, try to routinely perform massage on the part of the body that often cramps, warm up before exercise, enough water needs, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and others. In addition, wear decent footwear and comfortable for leg muscles.


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