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wise words

time is money ...

littel learning is a dangerrous thing....

a friend in need is a friend in dead.....

purpose of life is worship

love and cough can,t be hidden

love will reep where water canot pass....

the fear of lord is the be ginning of wisdom......

the importane of everithing but to arry out what is know....

good deads need no better than wealth......

the poor are always sheved.....

prudene is the mother of wisdom....

think today an speak tomorrow ....

feelings are dangerous guide.......

as you sow, so will you reap...

erly to bed early to rise

makes man healthy wealthy and wise 

good helps them those who help thesves

harm set harm got

more action and less talk 

good wine needs no bush

if you like to have a crop after one year go and plant rice

without hope the heart would break 

walss have ears

union is strength

two heads are better than one

there is no rose without a thorn 

the love of money is root of oll evil

the early bird catches the worm.


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