How cultivation of ginger red - Red Ginger is a plant that has many health benefits. So do not be surprised if the plant is much sought after and the price soared high. If the observed red ginger cultivation is a niche business opportunities that could be an option.
You will get much benefit from the cultivation of this plant apart from the function of red ginger itself. Of course, when viewed in terms of business opportunities, considering how to cultivate red ginger does not necessarily need a wide area. If you only have a narrow dirt was still able to cultivate ginger red.
Several Ways Red Ginger Cultivation
How red ginger cultivation
There are several ways that you can take to cultivate ginger red. Our discussion this time is based on the planting medium red ginger. Here are ways that you can choose which suits you of course.
Red Ginger cultivation in sacks
For those of you who do not have land large enough, you can still cultivate red ginger in sacks or in the English language is a culture bag. Culturing red ginger with sacks media is great for development. Additionally, it will provide other benefits such as seed planted can make healthy and free of disease bacteria that cause red ginger leaves wither.
In other words, it will increase the yield of this crop cultivation and ginger is harvested will be more abundant. In addition, you also need not worry because the technique is very environmentally friendly and can be done in a narrow area.
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Red Ginger Cultivation With Polybag
Other techniques in the cultivation of red ginger is also no need to require a lot of land with a polybag. As in the bag, cultivated red ginger with this technique also does not bother the results are still unsatisfactory. Things you need to know in using polybags are growing shorter time because it only takes 8 to 10 months to harvest. It's different if you plant them in the ground takes more than one year's harvest. Thus, these two methods you can choose when you are interested to mebudidayakan ginger plant species.
Step-by-Step Method Red Ginger Cultivation
Red Ginger Seed Selection
In red ginger cultivation there are some important things that must be considered such as the selection of seeds. In this case, you need to select seeds that are old and aged about 10 months and older. In addition, look for brightly colored, healthy, smooth, and its size is large.
Planting Seeds Red Ginger
In the cultivation of red ginger, you also need to treat the seeds well. Break the seeds by hand shoots into 3-5 buds and Jemurlah a day. After that, prepare the beds for seedlings and sow the seeds well. When sowing, you can meneburkan sawdust or hull thickness of 5 to 10 cm. After that, blushes again with fine sand thickness of 5 cm. In order to get the red ginger cultivation is good, you can also add Ladu soft soil on it and use bamboo as high as 40cm in pelungku and cover with plastic. Wait until the age up to 3 to 5 weeks. After that, the ginger plant seeds to prepare a black polybag measuring 60 x 60 cm.
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Implementation: How Red Ginger Cultivation in Growing Media
Although the cultivation of red ginger with polybag easy, in this treatment is quite complicated and you have to take good care of like doing the watering well. Do watering every 2-3 weeks and sirami well with water that has been mixed with organic fertilizers so that your ginger plants can grow well and also when. This means that you will be away from the ginger pests because of the care and selection of superior seeds before planting.