Tempe is one type of food that much favored by the people of Indonesia. Why? Besides it tasteful, tempeh turned out to contain a lot of vegetable protein is very good for the body's metabolism. Moreover, these days the idea sprung cook tempeh is made from one of them is steak certainly no less delicious than steak meat. Well, for those of you who are curious about how the heck do I make tempeh, continue to refer to this article yes.
On how to make tempeh this article, I will attempt to share tips on the tools and materials you need as well as steps to make tempeh correct. One thing you should know, every step of making tempeh should be measured because instead gets a tasty tempeh, a way of making that mess will make tempeh you uncomfortable or even fail production.
In addition to knowing how to process soybeans into tempe is right, you can also ensure the cleanliness of the food that you will consume properly maintained.
How to Make Tempe
How to make tempeh own
Tempe - Image from Wikipedia.org
Tools and Materials Make Tempe:
Sotel wood
yeast tempe
Banana leaves / plastic bags
Steps How to make tempeh:
Rinse all equipment beforehand. Drain.
Rinse and soybeans.
Soak soy beans for about 13-18 hours.
If it is soft, exfoliate the skin.
Rinse with water.
Boil back soy beans that have been rinsed of the water.
Drain on winnowing. To flame using a fan to not overheat.
Enter tempe yeast to soy beans evenly and stir well.
Enter the soybean seed already given yeast in banana leaves or plastic bag. For the thickness according to your taste.
To get a good tempeh, the time needed for fermentation is 2 days at room temperature. Try soy beans you're covered mushrooms.
How, pretty easy right? Did you know that in addition to protein, it turns out tempeh also contains calcium which is needed to help the body maximize its performance. Mother would want her baby get a healthy meal is not it ?.
By knowing how to make tempeh, if mothers were dissatisfied with the tempeh sold in the market, mothers can make it as desired and once again cleanliness is assured. However, healthy foods do not always expensive right mother ?.
With materials easily and tend to be cheaper in the market, mothers can create food to support the health of loved ones. Hopefully this article tempe cultivate good tips are useful ya mother. Good luck.