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Oyster Mushroom Cultivation Ways For Home Based Business

Tips and how the cultivation of oyster mushrooms - oyster mushroom lately become one of the foods preferred by the public. It certainly can not be separated because it is quite delicious and nutritional content. Besides now oyster mushrooms can be processed into various types of cooking to processed snacks. If observed oyster mushroom cultivation business opportunity can be very promising for those of you who want to build a home-based SME business.
Given the oyster mushroom enthusiast market share is increasing. However, in starting any business it is good to know the ins and outs including oyster mushroom cultivation this way. How Oyster Mushroom Cultivation Tips on how oyster mushroom cultivation Maybe some people have advanced their claim that the cultivation of mushrooms is quite simple. But if you do not know how, then you will get a variety of difficulties and had to find a solution. How is the first step to cultivate oyster mushrooms? However, you need to know the first step that must be taken in the oyster mushroom cultivation. It will help you make it easier to apply the next step in the cultivation of oyster mushrooms. Also read: How to Farming Catfish 1. Determine the type Cultivated Mushroom One of the important things in cultivating this fungus is that you need to understand and know the kinds of oyster mushroom can be cultivated. You can find out the type of oyster mushrooms with the first read on the internet / books and then confirm it in the place you are looking for mushroom seeds. 2. Seed Memiulih Oyster Mushrooms Cultivating oyster mushrooms can also be said to be dependent on seeds cultivated mushrooms that you will. Thus, you also need to choose a quality mushroom seed. In the selection of mushroom seeds, can be said to be more difficult because you can not be careless in choosing mushrooms. Seedlings were selected at random in the business of oyster mushroom cultivation can affect crop failures so that you will lose money.   Therefore, in the cultivation of oyster mushrooms that you do not fail, you can create pure seed. In addition, you can buy quality seeds to farmers intansi fungus or mushroom seed providers are already known quality. 3. Setting Raising Activities After that, you can also prepare kumbung or mushroom houses where you can easily in treating your fungus. Kumbung is usually in the form of a building that is loaded baglog mushrooms. It is mandatory in the mushroom house is humidity in the room. 4. Preparing Media Oyster Mushroom Cultivation After preparing the mushroom house, in the cultivation of oyster mushrooms you also need to prepare the planting medium baglog or a place to put seed oyster mushrooms. Typically, mushroom farmers baglog-baglog prepare yourself by media sawdust and wrapped cylinder and one end is a hole. However, if you are a beginner, you do not need to worry because you can buy this baglog in other oyster mushroom farmers. Once you get baglog, you also need to take care of baglog well as preparing baglog in the rack and placed vertically or horizontally. How to harvest crops cultivated oyster mushrooms? Prior to harvest, within 1-2 weeks you need to open the cover baglog using mycelium fungus in order to get out of the hole that you open. Thus, oyster mushrooms can be done in less than one month after installation baglog in kumbung as the place of cultivation earlier. Additionally, if you do this properly fungus treatment, you also can harvest up to 5-8 times so you will get more benefit.   For harvesting, you can do so when the oyster mushrooms begin to bloom and swell and when the ends of these mushrooms have appeared pointy. In the cultivation of oyster mushrooms, you also need to pay attention to the harvest as this will affect your crops. It was of course to avoid your trigger oyster mushrooms wilt change color slightly browned and hood break when you miss the harvest even though only a half-day course

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