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The new face Entikong border malaysia

New Face PLBN Entikong
0 0 0 Entikong, - The atmosphere and the existing facilities at the Post Transboundary State (PLBN) Entikong, Sanggau, West Kalimantan (Kalbar), is really no different from the aerodrome (airport) internationally. As the leading face of Indonesia, what is the government in building PLBN Entikong accordance with the directives of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who want to be better than the Malaysian border crossings. When he first visited PLBN Entikong, Jokowi admitted as viewed cage because all the buildings are not cared for properly. "Two years ago when I went to Entikong, I saw firsthand the condition of the existing building. Then I compare it to the next (Malaysia). Then I whispered to the Minister PUPR that time, 'Sir, this office or cage?'," Said Jokowi during the inauguration PLBN Entikong, Wednesday (21/12/2016). Since then, immediately ordered the Minister PUPR Jokowi Basuki Hadimuljono tear down the existing building and replace it with a new building that is better than Malaysia's border crossings.
On arrival the third to Entikong, Jokowi was satisfied because buildings and new facilities PLBN Entikong already been completed in accordance with her wishes. "I gave two years since 2014 and briefly I asked for this to be better from there (Malaysia). Now the Minister PUPR is already five times better than that in there, but I'll check back later," said Jokowi. Complacency was rightly there. Based on the observation, PLBN Entikong own range of basic facilities such as health space, animal quarantine room, and immigration. Then checkpoints that include x-ray and body scanners, as well as customs officers and immigration are capable or carrying out their duties. It was recognized one immigration officer PLBN Entikong named Agus. He felt proud of the changes in PLBN Entikong today mainly physical building which he considers more magnificent than before. "It used to be before all checks and manual activities performed while now already supplied more sophisticated tools to ensure the security of the borders," added Agus. Security immigration has become essential. According to Agus, every day there are approximately 900 people drift in and out of the West Kalimantan-Malaysia. PLBN Entikong PUPR built by the Ministry through the Directorate General (DG) of Human Settlements from August 2015 until December 2016. PLBN Entikong used as border controls of persons and goods in and out of the territory borders. Its own functions include immigration, customs, quarantine, security, and others. This PLBN to within a few hundred meters from the Malaysian Immigration Post. The new building is to adopt local architectural style with a few ornaments and decorative elements that characterizes Entikong. For example, on the roof of PLBN which is the result of the transformation of the form of a longhouse and Dayak Shield. This shield is a symbol of defense protecting the Homeland. While the bright hues of yellow is applied to the wall and relief elements on the gate. The lighting is made as natural as possible with the pattern of openings and the use of transparent materials. Detail adopt elements of local architecture becomes a very important component in the development PLBN. Area measuring up to 8 hectares and a building area of ​​19 493 square meters. Entikong PLBN Development Core Zone consists of a main building, crossings vehicle inspection, and building inspection of cargo. Then the building utilities such as pump housings and power house, monuments, arrival and departure gates, roads, landscaping, and pedestrian flow. Development of Integrated PLBN Entikong own cost Rp 152 billion taken from state budget 2015-2016. Although already inaugurated, Entikong PLBN development does not necessarily stop. Basuki will continue to ensure compliance with the border areas as directed by the President Jokowi. "For this first stage of his course PLBN can be operated today. Later stage we would wake zone both supporters whose names are residential areas," he explained. Jokowi also said that after the inauguration of this, he called on all parties to move the economic wheel and utilize the maximum benefits from the presence of PLBN Entikong. "I believe we are more competitive price than other countries could export more than import," he added. In response, Basuki said, specifically for the market along with access to sanitation and clean water, it will start building in 2017 with a budget of Rp 420 billion

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