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Progress of Development in Papua After 2 Years of Leadership Jokowi

The province of Papua, formerly known as Irian Jaya, synonymous with the conflict; so that had appeared in the media. But since Jokowi become the number one of this country, the image is slowly fading. Father Neles Tebay explain the condition of Papua after a two-year leadership of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in Jakarta yesterday, Wednesday (13/10/2016). He said the government's development program has now made hearts of the people of Papua relief. Natural obstacles slowly eroded, the economy began to walk. Mountain community began to connect with the surrounding community. No wonder the clergy once peace activists in Papua have said, President Joko Widodo has presented a new paradigm in dealing with Papua. No longer use violence, but with the welfare approach. Projects worth trillions of rupiah continues to be encouraged. The pass that has long been the hope of the people of Paradise Earth continues to speed up. Rakyat Papua, said Neles, greatly appreciate the government's move. Only, in the middle of that effort, a series of violence continue to occur. Murder, kidnapping, arrests of civil society to happen every time. Equivalent Institute, an institution that focuses on peace and democracy assessment released data, up to September 2016 45 events occurred in the category of human rights violations. Such violations include: the arrest of 2,293 Papuans, killing 13 people, and the shooting of 61 people of Papua. Perpetrators are from various backgrounds ranging from the army, the police, the military wing of the Free Papua Movement, to organizations that pro one faction. The issue of the number of human rights violations could also make the government was shocked. The reason, leaders of six countries in the Pacific region the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Nauru, the Marshall Islands, Tonga Tuvalum and bring it to the meeting of the United Nations (UN). papua2 roots of Conflict Still the violence, according to Pastor Neles, shows embers of conflict in Papua are still ongoing. Welfare approach has not touched the root of the conflict. Therefore, the government should immediately take steps to save Papua. One of them is to invite dialogue with the warring parties. The dialogue process, he said, would be a way for peace in Papua. The government should reflect on the settlement of the case of Aceh, East Timor and the Moluccas which can be solved by dialogue process. "Leave the violence and start the process of dialogue," said activist in Papua Peace Network. In line with Pastor Neles, Papua observer at the same time Equivalents Institute Council Secretary, Father Benny Soesetyo optimistic with the current administration. He looked Jokowi is a neutral figure and tend not burdened by the past regime. President of civilians because it also has a capital figure that often lead to public sympathy. These advantages should be used to resolve the Papua. Papua to talk to, no longer use the weapon, but with the paradigm of humanity. Because, if not, Papua will become a time bomb for Indonesia. Moreover Papua liberation movement today has been transformed, from armed activities turned into activism movement consisting of educated youth. Its territory was already no longer in Papua earth only, but has spread in some areas of Java. Reflecting on the issue of East Timor were separated because of the government's repressive measures, he said that the government should engage young people in Papua, did not pursue it to use weapons, but to talk with him to discuss the fate of the province in the future. Must be Completed Soon
Commissioner of the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) Natalius Pigai recently told Business also said that the government should immediately address the violation of human rights in Papua. Events Wamena, Wasior, the murder of Theys Eluay must be investigated thoroughly and promptly resolved. Acceleration of the settlement must be done, because until now there are still many cases of human rights violations that have not been resolved. The slow resolution of cases means it will add to the stack of new cases. It is likely to exacerbate the country's image commitment to solve problems related to the past. "We in the Commission have completed a number of investigations document human rights violations, the government is now living alone who finish, the ball is in their hands, 'he explained.
Meanwhile, Attorney General M. Prasad also said the resolution of cases of human rights violations is not easy. Many cases have been going on for quite a long time, so it requires more work for the investigators. Not only that, the Attorney General also said that the completion of cases of human rights violations, including those in Papua, need cooperation between institutions. sumber

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